UC – The book

It’s out NOW!

There’s not much that compares with spending time with someone, seeing their hopelessness dissolve and the light of life return to their eyes.

In the U.K. alone there are 300,000 people affected by Inflammatory Bowel Disease. Hundreds of people are diagnosed with UC every year, with many times that across the rest of the world.

There’s no way I can come and sit with everyone that’s been diagnosed with UC, tell them my story and impart hope to them. So in 2015 I started writing with the aim of producing in a book what I wish I could do in person for each individual. I tell my story, give my perspective and inspire a confidence that an IBD diagnosis does not mean life must come to a end.


UC book coverWell, after months of writing and rewriting, tears and laughs, editing and revising, Ulcerative Colitis: when the bottom drops out of your world is now available. In this book you’ll read about my experiences and the lessons I’ve learned since I was diagnosed in 2003.

Oh, and it’s a little bit controversial too. I’ll spill the beans on some things I was never told in hospital; things I wish I’d know when I was first diagnosed.

Currently it is available on both Kindle and as paperback.

Click on the link below for your country, get your copy and take back control of your life today.
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