It’s not how you start that counts

Runners on the road

The excitement was palpable. Adrenaline pumping, fuelling enthusiastic chatter. All around happy faces, laughing and joking. Anticipation. An expectant hush falls, all listening for a sound… that sound… BANG! The starter’s gun fired and, as one, the crowd leapt to their feet unleashing a wall of sound that engulfed the…

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The contradiction of the inevitable

Sunlight behind a gravestone

Life is not without pain. Indeed, without pain there could be no celebration. We cannot know what light is unless we have known darkness. There is no sweetness in victory but for the pain of preparation and training. The pain of pregnancy and childbirth give way to the celebration of…

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Learn to enjoy your differences

A great marriage is not when the ‘perfect couple’ comes together. It is when an imperfect couple learns to enjoy their differences

– Dave Meurer

Please take my 2015 reader survey

Picture of survey

I have been running my blog for almost a year now and I want to make it better and more relevant to your needs and interests. To do that I need to know more about you. So, I have created my 2015 Reader Survey. Please would you take a few…

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One important lesson from two of earth’s richest men

telescope and city

It was on Friday the 5th of July that Warren Buffett and Bill Gates met for the first time in 1991. Buffett had little interest in Gates, who was 25 years his junior, except for the fact they were neck-and-neck in the Forbes rich-list. And as for computers? Forget it.…

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Why the tools you have are not as important as you think

Selection of hand tools

There can be something very satisfying about using a good tool and, as any DIY enthusiast will tell you, the right tools can make all the difference. Some jobs can’t be done without the correct tool. Other jobs are made simpler and quicker by having the right tool. However, there…

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Why nothing is too difficult

close-up of engine

When buying a second hand car the drill is the same; circle it one-and-a-half times, giving it a good look-over. Then, after delivering a sturdy kick to a couple of the tyres, you ask, “Let’s have a look inside?” hoping to give the impression you know what you’re talking about.…

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