Traditionally eaten on Good Friday in many countries, hot cross buns are a sweet spiced bun made with dried fruit, usually either currants or raisins. Usually served warm, the bun derives its name from the cross that is marked on the top representing the crucifixion of Jesus Christ and the…
We all know that we’re eating too much sugar. Governments across the world are fighting a loosing battle to reign-in our appetite for the delicious snacks that are causing us to gain those extra pounds. Apparently we should only have about 1 Teaspoons of sugar circulating in the body at…
According to many, bread like other grains is, to be avoided. It’s high level of starches break down in to glucose resulting in a massive spike in blood-sugar soon after eating. This in turn has serious repercussions for our health. And yet, in the quest for a healthy lifestyle we’re…
Some things are so normal that we rarely stop to consider that there could be a different way. Heeding the dietary advice, we opt for a good healthy balanced diet – maybe your daily diet includes some of these: A bowl of breakfast cereal doused in ice-cold milk or piping…
Sourdough is formed when naturally-occurring yeast start to ferment and feed on flour. This process can take anywhere from a couple of hours to a day to really get started which is obviously not practical when it comes to baking. In order to get around this problem we use a…
Logic. It’s simple. Follow a series of predetermined steps and you’ll arrive at a final outcome that is most definitely correct. What could go wrong? Unless, of course, your starting point is not what you thought it was. Then you’re really in a mess. The acronym GIGO was coined back…
It had seemed a long way off, but suddenly it was here; my next round of surgery would be in about 24 hours. I was becoming increasingly anxious as the day progressed. Just before 5pm the phone rang; the hospital admissions clerk informed me that they could not guarantee me…
In September 2003, at the age of 25, I started bleeding. Every time I went to the toilet and opened my bowels I lost more blood. Being slim I was already at the bottom of the healthy weight range for my height, yet I lost 25% of my weight over…
Diagnosed with UC in 2003, Chris has years of experience and is able to bring encouragement to newly diagnosed sufferers.
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