Why you’ll never get the marriage of your dreams

What wedding day isn’t permeated with the dream of a great marriage, of the happily-ever-after?

Almost anyone that’s married will tell you that there have been moments when they wondered, “What happened?” Yet still there is the glimmer of hope; the dream could become reality. And we wait….

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But dreams don’t just come true.

Many of us have aspirations for our work. One business failure doesn’t mean the dream dies. It means you must take a different route. In that context the comment was made, “Do the work; the results will come.” And it doesn’t just apply to business – it applies to marriage.

To reap a harvest you must first sow your seed. Every year the farmer sows his seed in the sure and certain hope of bringing in a harvest. The entrepreneur looking to make his mark on the world knows the hours may be long and the returns meagre in the short-term, however they stick at it. Why? Because they see the prize that awaits them. They have a dream and they are working because they know it depends on them. Sure a little bit of luck never hurt, but you can’t bank on luck.

To reap a harvest in our marriage we have to sow the seed. To see our dream marriage become reality we must do the hard graft.

So what is this work? It depends on the dream but it boils down to this; love your spouse. And what does that look like? Ask her, she’ll tell you what makes her feel loved. Don’t work hard at the wrong thing; it may not be what you think.

Dreams don’t just happen. You have to work for them. You’ll never get the marriage of your dreams if you don’t do the work to make it happen.

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