Zero waste – an impossible goal?

Litter bin surrounded by rubbish

When decluttering is not enough Not long ago I wrote about our target of living with less. Decluttering has become a part of our life; aside from what we’ve thrown away, each week we’ve taken a bag or box of “stuff” to the local second-hand shop. Our home, and life,…

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The killer we love to love

"I love you" loveheart sweet

We all know that we’re eating too much sugar. Governments across the world are fighting a loosing battle to reign-in our appetite for the delicious snacks that are causing us to gain those extra pounds. Apparently we should only have about 1 Teaspoons of sugar circulating in the body at…

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Marriage is for reflecting

Marriage is for reflecting

In this series we will be looking at some of the basic principles of what makes marriage important from the Christian’s perspective. I will simply be considering some of the ancient wisdom that has stood the test of time and is found in the Biblical texts. Marriage is for reflecting…

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They don’t make them like they used to

Things aren’t what they used to be. How often have you heard that said? Perhaps you’ve said it yourself. There was a time when things were built to last. Everything, from home appliances to children’s toys, was built to withstand the rigours of daily use. Durability was part of the…

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1 book, 20 questions, a better marriage

Today is a big, exciting day! I’ve been looking forward to it for quite a long time. Today is the day I officially announce the launch of my first full book – 20 Questions To Make Your Marriage Even Better. When you’re heading down the traditional publishing route the publisher…

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2 stereotypes you can’t trust

Blue for a boy, pink for a girl. It’s been that way since the dawn of time, hasn’t it? Actually, no. In the early 1900s blue was perceived as “delicate and dainty” thus suitable for a girl whereas pink was “more decided and stronger” so obviously very manly. Big boys…

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5 a day for a balanced love-diet?

Good food, it’s one of life’s great pleasures. We all need to eat, it’s instinctive to all living creatures. Even a tiny baby lets you know they’re hungry. But more than just eating, we need a well balanced and nutritionally complete diet to help keep our bodies in the best…

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You, the expert

At times you’re sure you know your spouse. You know their fears, which dessert they’ll select and what turns them on. Yet there can still be moments when you feel, “I hardly know you.” An expert is someone with a high level of skill or knowledge of a subject. Experts…

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