How to navigate life without a map

Map and compass

The story is told of a man on a walking holiday in Ireland. After several hours he finally had to concede that he was completely and utterly lost. As he continued on his way he met a farmer, “Excuse me sir!” he said, “I’m trying to get to Limerick, can…

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Why nothing is too difficult

close-up of engine

When buying a second hand car the drill is the same; circle it one-and-a-half times, giving it a good look-over. Then, after delivering a sturdy kick to a couple of the tyres, you ask, “Let’s have a look inside?” hoping to give the impression you know what you’re talking about.…

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20 days to the marriage of your dreams

Weddings are wonderful; a beautiful celebration of love and friendship. In a moment the dream comes true; Prince Charming marries his bride, the fairytale becomes reality. And yet, too often the radiance of “the big day” tarnishes as the harsh realities of life inflict their will on our marriage story.…

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I have UC – My Story


In September 2003, at the age of 25, I started bleeding. Every time I went to the toilet and opened my bowels I lost more blood. Being slim I was already at the bottom of the healthy weight range for my height, yet I lost 25% of my weight over…

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Killing me softly with his words

Image of pocket knife

Your words have incredible power; power to harm but, thankfully, to bring healing too. It was not the first time; her eyes showed the pain. His jokes, a razor-sharp knife, plunged deep into her soul. That moment, I saw it; nervous laughter, her life gone, she had died. I shifted…

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