Does mercy trump justice?

Courtroom gavel

Guilty! Judgement passed. Sentence handed down. Justice done. There is a deep-seated satisfaction in knowing that the law has been upheld. The perpetrators have been caught and punished appropriately. Those that tried to cheat, deceive and malign have had their comeuppance. What could be more fitting than that? “I know…

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The power of peace to set you free

Peaceful view

I met Chris Wark in London recently when he was speaking at an event aimed at those facing cancer but wanting to use natural therapies to heal themselves. The pinnacle of Chris’ talk resonated with me and was reminiscent of this, this and this post I wrote a while back.…

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Make peace with the past

Make peace with the past

Standing at the threshold of yet another year, what are the thoughts that come to mind? No doubt a mixture of emotions will surface as you allow your mind to trace the journey of the year that was. Moments of drama, of angst and relief. Perhaps joys tainted by sorrow,…

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Marriage is for perfecting

In this series we will be looking at some of the basic principles of what makes marriage important from the Christian’s perspective. I will simply be considering some of the ancient wisdom that has stood the test of time and is found in the Biblical texts. Marriage is for perfecting…

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A really short interview with Christine McGrail

One great thing about life is that many people have “already done it” and have experience we can learn from. In this series I’ve asked people about key lessons they’ve learned about marriage. I hope it helps you have an even better marriage. A really short interview with Christine McGrail…

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A better way than trading with your spouse

bank notes

Mankind has been trading since the beginning. It is a language we all understand. The rules are simple; give me what I want and in return I will give you something you want. The currency could be carrots, cash or cattle, but fail to deliver and I won’t pay you.…

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Get out of your private prison – Forgive


When someone says, “I’m sorry” how do you respond? Often, feeling uncomfortable, we may brush it aside with a swift, “It’s OK” and move on to easier conversation. But was it really “OK”? Was their contrition worthless? Were you not really hurt or upset? Did they not require your pardon?…

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