Life will emerge and strength will rise

Sword held aloft

What a mess. Standing in the middle of an unkempt lawn I turn slowly, surveying the carnage before me. The grass hasn’t been mown for nigh on six months. Shrubs pruned in the autumn are still bare – their spindly sticks most unattractive. There’s a gap in the fence where…

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Commit to the process (not the destination)

Writing can be hard work. Really hard. There are so many people who say they would like to write a book, but never manage it. Like almost everything in life, there is no magic bullet to solve the problem. An old proverb tells us that a journey of a thousand…

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Who do you think you are?

Who do you think you are? The words spoken deliberately, pointed and accusing. The intonation and body language leave no room for doubt. Nobody. Nothing. Not welcome. The voice of the inner critic joins in, “What was I thinking? Who am I to presume that I could? Why would anyone…

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It’s what you are afraid of

Man reading news paper

Against a backdrop of angst and trauma, a pervading sense of powerlessness takes hold. The good, noble and free is being systematically muscled out by evil, hate and discord. The world is, or so it seems, a frightening place. The increase in depression and psychiatric conditions over recent years would…

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An accidental mentor

A pub lunch

What do you do when the pressure is on and it starts to get uncomfortable? Inevitably life tosses awkward moments our way. Do you run, making a plan to skirt round the issue and return everything to its usual happy state? Sometimes we have to submit to the uncomfortable, enduring…

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It’s not how you start that counts

Runners on the road

The excitement was palpable. Adrenaline pumping, fuelling enthusiastic chatter. All around happy faces, laughing and joking. Anticipation. An expectant hush falls, all listening for a sound… that sound… BANG! The starter’s gun fired and, as one, the crowd leapt to their feet unleashing a wall of sound that engulfed the…

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20 days to the marriage of your dreams

Weddings are wonderful; a beautiful celebration of love and friendship. In a moment the dream comes true; Prince Charming marries his bride, the fairytale becomes reality. And yet, too often the radiance of “the big day” tarnishes as the harsh realities of life inflict their will on our marriage story.…

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1 question to radically change your day

How do you react when things are taken out of your control? I usually just go along with it. Perhaps I lack the self-confidence to make a fuss. Perhaps it’s a resignation that “whatever will be will be.” My surgeon said I required a side-room. Excellent, space to myself and…

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