It all starts here (again)

Noah's Ark

Last night I watched Noah, the 2014 film by Darren Aronofsky. Let’s just say that if you want a film that is grounded in fact this is probably not the one for you! Whilst the Mosaic account is fairly sparse in its details, the film’s deviations from the Biblical narrative…

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A divine conspiracy?

Pebbles on a beach

It’s a conspiracy! In life we tend to surround ourselves with people who are like us. The metric we use may vary depending upon our situation; it could be nationality, language or ethnicity. Where we are part of the majority the divisions may be along financial, religious, idealistic or any…

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Commit to the process (not the destination)

Writing can be hard work. Really hard. There are so many people who say they would like to write a book, but never manage it. Like almost everything in life, there is no magic bullet to solve the problem. An old proverb tells us that a journey of a thousand…

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An accidental mentor

A pub lunch

What do you do when the pressure is on and it starts to get uncomfortable? Inevitably life tosses awkward moments our way. Do you run, making a plan to skirt round the issue and return everything to its usual happy state? Sometimes we have to submit to the uncomfortable, enduring…

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Changing what you believe changes what you do.

Change your thinking

Albert Einstein was credited with defining insanity as “doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” It stands to reason then that if we want different results in our relationships, jobs, matters of faith or indeed any area of our lives we need to change what…

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What it takes to be great


“He had so much potential,” they say in hushed tones, “I guess he just didn’t have what it takes.” But what does it take? Many dreams remain just that, a dream. Snatching failure from the jaws of victory, many never achieve the greatness that seemed to be theirs. And all…

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Marriage is for protecting

Marriage is for protecting

In this series we will be looking at some of the basic principles of what makes marriage important from the Christian’s perspective. I will simply be considering some of the ancient wisdom that has stood the test of time and is found in the Biblical texts. Marriage is for protecting…

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Triangles make the world go round

Everywhere you look you can find triangles. Being the only naturally rigid structure, they’re what the world is built on. They are a combination of beauty and simplicity, but perhaps that’s just my engineering background coming through. Yet their simplicity belies the strength and complexity of the structures they can…

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